
  • Voyage en Europe et en Amérique

Mon oncle est parti puor l'Europe.Il a pris l'avion à Narita.Il a survolé toute l'Asie et a atterri sur l'aéroport Charles de Gaulle,prés de Paris.Il s'est arrêté quelques jours en Belgique chez an ami.Il reviendra au Japon dans dix jours.Il est maintenant en Angleterre.

Avant de revenir au Japon,il visitera l'Espagne,l'Italie et l'Autriche.IL prendra l'avion à Vienne et rentreta au Japon par le pole Nord.

Lorsque mon oncle est allé en Améeique il y a deux ans,il a pris l'avion à l'aéroport de Narita pour aller à San-Francisco.Ensuite,en train,il a traverse les Etats-Unis jusqu'à New-York.En route,il a visitéler villes les plus importantes de ce pays.

ko.1 !! please translate it in Japanese or English!!I can understand somehow,but it's a bit difficult for me huh?I felt French and English were not different so much.

  • Nick's office in Takadanobaba

I took a lesson there.was ok.But,today, the topic was a bit difficult for me even if it had been in japanese you know.I can`t talk about something difficult that I don`t know many thing about.It was SEXISM.Like you know,"Women are supposed to be at home all time and wait for her husband.But it is just a bad stereotype now.Last 50 years or so it has been changing.They can get a good job instead if taking of their kids.And Men are supposed to protect girls.But it has also changing you know they got really really stronger than we men."
It was quite hard to talk about for me.Can you make it WET??hehe
sorry i forgot to ask him if I could take a pic of his office.It was cool i think.